Monday, July 23, 2012

A Concise Study Guide to Fasting [E-Book]

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

I have attached the following PDF file

A Concise Study Guide to Fasting

Taken from the works of the great scholars Muḥammad b.Badr al-­‐Dīn Balbān [d.1083AH],
may Allāh have mercy on him,and Dr.Ṣāliḥ b.Fawzān al-­‐Fawzān,may Allāh protect him

Source click here

Wassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Mohammed Osman bin ab Abudl Azeez.

   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


A Gift For Ramadan be ready prepare for it...........................!!!!!!



A Ramadan Gift For You!!!

Please click on the gift pack.

The Most Beautiful Gift, please share it with friends and family . . . .


Thanks & regds
junaid touseef
Dubai UAE.


   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


Muslim girls with Others ! Who is Responsible?

Muslim girls with Others! Who is Responsible?

All praise is to Allah and peace and blessings upon the Prophet, Allah said in Holy Quran

Translation: 0 you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Hell Fire whose

Fuel is people and stones (Sura at tahrim 66:6)

Prophet's (Peace be upon him) hadeeth states Translation: "Man is a protector of his family

And he shall be questioned about his family -woman is a protector of her husband's house

and she will surely be questioned about her family-(Sahi Al Bukhari and Sahi Al Muslim)

 My honorable Muslim brothers and sisters!

Please find the attached Small pocket size Document about this Current Issue in Urdu and English, so that we can protect our self and our Family from Hell fire.........

       Best Regards

Abu Ammara

Thanks & Regards
Abu Ammara
IT Engineer

   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Muslims Massacre and Inhumane Burma Government and Color blind media!!??.

Muslims Massacre and Inhumane Burma Government and Color blind media!!??

50000 Muslim Children, Woman and Man Killed in Burma.
Where in the hell are you international community?!!

More than 20,000 Muslims are killed this month in Burma (Myanmar) by police, army and Buddhist extremists.Now where is f***** UN????

Where is America????
Where is media????

Check out the video on YouTube and other websites

Burma has a population 75 million with the Muslim population being just 0.7 million. The Burmese Muslims have been under this affliction after 1962 when the Army usurped the power in Burma.



Trying to elude capture and an imminent killing; Burmese Muslims thronged to the Bangladeshi border, but all they met was dismay. The Government of Bangladesh refused to offer them asylum.
Over 500 Muslim villages have been incinerated hither-to. Thousands have been exterminated. The persecution of the Burmese Muslims at the hands of the Buddhist mobs is at its full swing. Yet all the human rights organizations have maintained a criminal silence up till now. Has the Muslim world become so callous that they remain undeterred by such genocide?
This is not a new thing or an unprecedented massacre. Muslims have been a subject to such hostility even before. If we go through the annals of history we come to the very tenable conclusion that Muslims were always on the suffering side. Why are the followers of Islam being oppressed from time to time?
The fear stricken faces of the poor Burmese Muslims really cuts one apart. The glimpse of their bruised bodies is a heart rending spectacle. Where is the UN now? Why isn't the International media highlighting this issue? Why are the competitive authorities of the
Muslim world procrastinating?

The government of all secular countries, specially muslim government, should raise a voice in favor of the poor Burmese Muslims at the international forum. The whole Muslim world should join hands to get the poor Burmese out of their distress and misery. – (International Youth Muslim Brotherhood)



A Rohingya mother and her children were turned back when their boat tried to enter Bangladesh waters following the sectarian unrest in Rakhine State in June. Bangladesh has closed its borders to fleeing Rohingya, in spite of calls from the international community to aid the refugees. Photo: AFP



A few hours ago in Binsh, Syria - Check out the signs tabarakAllah! Truly we are one Ummah, our land is one!


Whole of West and their hypocrite United Nations is Silent on
Massacre of Muslims Burma this week They are silent But
why are you Silent ?
If you betray or forsake a
Muslim who is in need today, be
assured that Allah will forsake you tomorrow

   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


brutal violence against muslims in Burma برما میں مسلمانوں کا وحشیانہ قتل عام اور اس پر مسلم لیڈران کی معنی خیز خاموشی

براہ مہربانی اس کو آپ جہاں تک ہوسکتا ہے ہر لیڈر اور اہر ایڈیٹر تک پہونچائیں۔ جزاکم اللہ

برما میں مسلمانوں کا وحشیانہ قتل عام اور اس پر مسلم لیڈران کی معنی خیز خاموشی


کوئی دن ایسا نہ ہوگا جس میں کسی معصوم مسلمان کو قتل نہ کیا گیا ہو چاہے وہ سپر پاور ملکوں کی طرف سے ہو یا ان کے دلالوں کی طرف سے ۔ مسلمانوں کے قتل کی خونین داستان شائد آسمان نے اس سے پہلے کبھی نہ دیکھی ، کبھی ہمارے ملک میں معصوم وبے گناہ اعلی تعلیم یافتہ صاحب بصیرت مسلم نواجوانوں کو چن کر ان پہ کچھ الزامات لگا کر سلاخوں کے پیچھے بند کردیا جاتا ہے تو دوسری طرف پڑوسی ملک کے اقتدار کی سُرینیں چاٹنے والے عیاش مکار اسلام فروش ضمیر فروش بلکہ حیا فروش لیڈران دشمن کے ساتھ مل کر معصوم عوام کا مختلف جگہوں پر بم دھماکوں یا ڈرون حملوں کے ذریعہ قتل کو روا کر رکھے ہیں ، ادھر سیریا میں ہونے والی بشار کی دہشت گردی کسی کو نظر نہیں آتی ، بس کوفی عنان جسکی عنان خود اس کے قبضہ میں نہیں سے چند کوششیں کرواکے کہتے ہیں سارے جہاں کا درد ہمارے جگر میں ہے ۔ فلسطین تو خیر سسکتے سسکتے اب وہ یہ سبق سیکھ گیا ہے کہ جو کچھ کرنا ہے خود ہمیں ہی کرنا ہوگا ، دنیا کے دیگر مسلم ممالک سے کوئی امید وابستہ کرنا شائد پتھر سے درخت اگانے کے مماثل ہوگا ۔

یہ اور اس طرح کے بے شمار حقائق ہیں جو ابھی منظر عام پر نہیں لائے گئے ۔ لیکن چند مہینوں سے برما میں ہونے والے مظالم کا بہت سے لوگ سوشیل میڈیا پر مشاہدہ کررہے ہیں لیکن الکٹرانک اور پرنٹ میڈیا بالکل خاموش ہے جیسے بدھسٹوں نے ان کے منہ میں اپنی لاٹھی ٹھونس دی ہو ۔ خیر اس پر اتنا افسوس نہیں ، ہمیں افسوس اس بات پر ہورہا ہے کہ جو مسلم تنظیمیں پارٹیاں اور لیڈران اپنے الیکشن کے لئے ایک ایک اجلاس پر پچاس پچاس لاکھ خرچ کرڈالتے ہیں انہیں بھی برما میں ہونے والا تشدد نظر نہیں آرہاہے اگر نظر بھی آرہا ہے تو پھر خاموش کیوں ہیں

کیا ان کے خزانوں میں ان مسلمانوں سے اظہار ہمدردی بلکہ ان کی امداد کیلئے پیسہ نہیں ؟

اب تو برما میں بدھ مت کی قبولیت کے شرط پر مسلمانوں سے امدادی فارم بھی فلپ کروائے جارہے ہیں ۔

ذرا سوچیں

کیا کل روز قیامت ہمارا کوئی عذر اللہ کے ہاں مسموع ہوگا

کیا ہماری سیاسی سرگرمیاں صرف نام اور دولت کمانے کیلئے ہے تو یاد رکھیں فرعون ہم سے زیادہ نام کمایا ہوا تھا

اگر ووٹ کے حصول کیلئے پیسہ ہے مسلمانوں کی مدد کیلئے پیسہ نہیں تو ایسی سیاست پر ہزاروں ابلیسوں کا سلام

گزارش ہے

کہ ہندوستا ن کی تمام مسلم تنظیمیں مل کر اور تمام لیڈران مل کر ایک ایسی آواز اٹھائیں کہ برما کی سر زمین ہل جائے اور ہندوستان میں موجود کوئی بھی برمی حکومت کا اہلکار اپنے لئے ایک عار محسوس کرے اور مسلم تنظیمیں مل کراپنا ایک امدادی وفد برما روانہ کریں ۔

اگر ہم نے ایسا نہ کیا تو

اگر تم نہیں بدلوگے تو تمہاری جگہ ہم دوسری قوم کو پیداکریں گے جو تمہاری طرح نافرمان نہیں ہوگی (القرآن) ۔






   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Final Words Of ALLAMA Ehsan Elahi Zaheer (RaheemuAllah)

Allama Ahsaan Ellahi Zaheer was born on Thursday, May 31, 1945 in the city of Sialkot in Pakistan to a prominent and wealthy Punjabi industrialist family with a history of involvement with the Ahl-e-Hadees.


He studied at Jamia Islamiyyah Gujranwala and at Jamia Salafiyyah in Faisalabad before leaving to study abroad at the prestigious Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia, where he studied under well known contemporary Islamic scholars such as Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani and Abd-al-Aziz ibn Abd-Allah ibn Baaz.He got first position all over the world with 93.5% marks in Madina University. After graduating from the department of Sharia he returned to his country and pursued further education and received his Masters in Arabic, Islamic Studies, Urdu and Persian.

During his final year of study at Medina Bin Baz asked him to deliver lectures, a very rare opportunity amongst attending students. During this time his book 'al-Qadiyaniyyah' was also to be printed in Madina.Allama Ehsan Elahi however wanted to include on the book 'Graduate of Madina University' but at that time he had not actually graduated. He went to see Shaikh bin Baaz who was at that time the chancellor of Madina University, Shaikh bin Baaz agreed and granted him permission to do so.Allama Ahsaan Ellahi Zaheer then asked the Shaikh 'What if I fail to get my degree?' to which Shaikh bin Baaz replied, 'I will close the University.'


Allama Ahsaan Ellahi Zaheer had earned his fair share of controversy during his lifetime due to his well known debates with the leaders of various movements within the Muslim world, whom Zaheer viewed as deviated from the religious practices of the companions of Islamic Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W.) and the early generations of Muslims. This led to a number of death threats against him by various extremists, including an assassination attempt when he was visiting the United States and a Fatwa put out for Zaheer's death by Ayatollah Khomeini.[1] In particular, his books and debates were known to have gained the ire of and death threats from members of the Barelvi and Shi'a sects and the Deobandi movement with previous incidents of extremist members assassinating and kidnapping Sunni Muslim figures.[2] He was also reported to have fallen out of favour with the Government of General Zia ul Haq for his outspoken opposition to the Sharia Bill and the involvement of the Government agencies in the enforcement of Shariat Law in Pakistan. He had also criticized the politically-influenced view of Islam propagated by Jamaat-e-Islami. Thus, it seems, he had fallen foul with virtually every force in Pakistan.

These death threats were finally carried out on March 23, 1987. While giving a speech on the biography of Muhammad (S. A. W.), a bomb which had been planted on the stage exploded eventually killing Zaheer along with 18 attendees; 114 were seriously injured.[3] Of the death toll, nine were also scholars and teachers within the Salafi and Ahle Hadith sects.[4][5][6] Zaheer initially survived the blast and after initial treatment at the central hospital of Lahore, he was transferred for further medical treatment in Saudi Arabia.

He died on 30 March 1987 after spending 22 hours in a Riyadh hospital. Bin Baaz, whilst crying, led his funeral prayer in Riyadh. It was considered one of the most historical funerals ever prayed in Riyadh that included countless scholars and students of Islamic studies, and also senior government officials from Pakistan like General Zia ul Haq, General Akhtar Abdur Rehman and Sahabzada Yaqub Khan, the foreign minister. The funeral attendance was estimated above 3 million people, after which his body was taken to the Baqi graveyard.[7] His body was buried next to the grave of Malik ibn Anas.


his famous books: "ash-Shia Was-Sunnah" "ash-Shia Wa-Ahlul-Bayt" "ash-Shia Wal-Qur'aan" "ash-Shiawat-TaShia" "Baynash-Shia Wa Ahlus-Sunnah""Al brelwiyah"Shiites and Sunnis (1393 e). Shia and Ahl al-Bayt (1403), the third edition Shiites, Shiism teams and the date of Ismaili history and doctrines (1405 e) Portal view and critique Qadiani (1376 e) Braylwiyyah beliefs and the date (1403 AH) Baha'i criticism and analysis (1975 m) Respond adequately to the fallacies of Dr. Ali Abdul Wahid Wafi (1404 e) To mysticism, origin and sources: Part I (1406 e) Studies in Sufism is the second part Shiites and the Koran (1403 e). Esoteric squads known. Indian sub-continent teams and beliefs. Christianity. Qadiani in English. Shiites and Sunnis in Farsi. Book way in English and Urdu. Kitaab al-Tawheed. Infidelity and Islam in Urdu. Shiites and Sunnis in Persian, English and Thai

   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


Monday, July 2, 2012

Capital IQ Hyderabad Recruitment Drive

S&P Capital IQ a 3100+ employee company at Hitech City, Hyderabad is going to conduct recruitment drive in July 2012 at below places in Andhra Pradesh.
Position: Junior Research Associate
Qualifications Required: B.Com, M.Com & MBA(Finance)
Experience: Freshers can apply
Procedure of selection: Walkin to any center below on the date given by 9am for written test..qualified candidates list will be disclosed by the evening...interviews will be conducted on next day.
Documents to bring: Resume, Photo, 10th Markslist, Degree pass certificate
Skills Tested: Accounting concepts, standards Basics, Business Vocabulory, Corporate Actions, Finance, Capital Markets, Annual Reports, English Grammar & logical reasoning
College / University
Written Test Date
Interview Date
Sree Chaitanya P.G College, LMD Colony
1st July
2nd July
Sashi Engg College
8th July
9th July
Aditya Degree College
8th July
9th July
Ideal P.G.College
8th July
9th July
P.B.Siddhartha College
15th July
16th July
Mallineni Engg College
15th July
16th July
RISE College
15th July
16th July
Vizag ( 2 )
Andhra University & Dr. L. Bullaya College
22nd July
23rd July
22nd July
23rd July
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University
22nd July
23rd July
About S&P Capital IQ

S&P Capital IQ, a brand of the McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:MHP), is a leading provider of multi-asset class data, research and analytics to institutional investors, investment advisors and wealth managers around the world. We provide a broad suite of capabilities designed to help track performance, generate alpha, identify new trading and investment ideas, and perform risk analysis and mitigation strategies. Through leading desktop solutions such as Capital IQ, Global Credit Portal and MarketScope Advisor desktops; enterprise solutions such as S&P Securities Evaluations, Enterprise Solutions and Compustat; and research offerings including Leveraged Commentary & Data, Global Market Intelligence, and company and funds research, S&P Capital IQ sharpens financial intelligence into the wisdom today's investors need.
S&P Capital IQ is separate and independent from other analytical areas within Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC (together S&P), including Standard & Poor's Credit Ratings. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of each of these activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is not available to other S&P business units. Credit-related analyses, including ratings, of Standard & Poor's and its affiliates are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or make any investment decisions. Users of ratings or other analyses should not rely on them in making any investment decision. Standard & Poor's opinions and analyses do not address the suitability of any security. Standard & Poor's does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such.


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2. Neo Holy Fatima School, Beside SBI Bank, Brindavan Colony, Tolichowki, Hyd.
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   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


Sunday, July 1, 2012

[jobslinksaroundtheworld] Fwd: [Smart Life World] PMP Preparation Course at Jeddah with 35 PDUs from 12th July to 16th July 2012


Once again IEF Jeddah chapter is organizing classes for PMP preparation course to the engineers and management professionals in jeddah,
Those who are interested to join the course are kindly requested to contact following office bearers of IEF.
Mr. Abdul Rahim Chief coordinator IEF Jeddah
Tel # 0553059021 Email
Mr. Ubaid Qureshi Treasurer IEF Jeddah.
Tel # 0559275825 Email
For IEF members fee will be SR 2500 and for Non members SR 3000.
Classes will be conducted from 12th July 2012 to 16th July 2012 at Red Sea Palace Hotel.
Last date to enrol the name is 1st July 2012.
Syed Nasir Khursheed

PMP Preparation Course at Jeddah 12th July to 16th July 2012

Posted By Blogger to Smart Life World at 7/01/2012 04:31:00 AM

Bst Rgds,
Skype ID : shakmac4u

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A smile from you can bring  happiness to anyone, even if they do not like you.
جہاں رہیے اللہ کے بندوں کے لیے باعثِ آزار نہیں، باعثِ رحمت بن کر رہیے۔ اگلی ملاقات تک ، اللہ نگہبان۔
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"The first rule is not to lose. The Second rule is not to forget the first rule"
Impossible it self say' I M possible! 

Great people are ordinary people with extraordinary amounts of determination

Remember: 'Time is neither money nor gold; it is life itself and is limited. You must begin to appreciate every moment of your life and always strive to make the best use of it.'


   Your brother in Islam
~*Syed Ibrahim (Talha)~*


[jobslinksaroundtheworld] Fwd: [Smart Life World] Free Recruitment for Leading Construction Co. in KSA


 ABU SALMAN EXPORTS Manpower Consultancy

18-Vaju Kotak Marg, IDA MANSION, 2nd Floor, Room-29th,
Opposite New Kerala Restaurant, Fort Mumbai – 400001. TEL:     0091-22- 66380629   
Hamid khan (0091-9987052680)                                                        Naseem khan  (0091-7738286622)

Urgently required for Leading Construction Co. in KSA

***free recruitment***
1000 + FOOD
Candidate should be Physically strong and fit. Age between 21-38 years.

Urgently required for Leading Construction Co. in KSA




Candidate should hold Diploma certificate. Candidate should have min 5yrs of experience in Inspects equipment, tools, and working conditions to ensure safety of workers engaged in operation and Maintenance of facilities. Observes crew at work and reports laxity in safety precautions, such as failure to use safety equipments. Ensure all safety work permits are being followed. Conduct Safety toolbox for the workers.
Candidate should hold Degree certificate. Candidate should have 2 yrs of experience, Candidate must have knowledge to guide and track several locomotives at a time conducting a delicate symphony of movement. Ability to use radios, telephones and sophisticated computer systems to follow the trains under their charge. Ensure track is available for movement and no maintenance activities are ongoing. Ability to understand the network structure. Knowledge of control systems level 2, Ability to operate an ETCS system.


Candidate should hold Degree certificate. Candidate should have min 2yrs of experience, candidate must have knowledge in To manage group of operation team to ensure that all duties are being fulfilled. Shift supervisors are responsible for assigning train crews, the scheduling of workers. Implement the daily operation plan. To ensure un interrupted train service. Must have heavy haul services experience. Ability to report operation activities

Candidate should be at least a diploma holder; candidate should have minimum 3 years of experience in the relevant field.
Candidate should hold Diploma certificate. Candidate should have min 2 yrs of experience in sets flares, flags, lanterns, or torpedoes in front and at rear or train during emergency stops to on coming trains. Signals locomotive engineer to start or stop train when coupling or uncoupling cars Makes minor repairs to couplings, air hoses and journal boxes using hand tools. Carry out small repairs. Adhere to operation safety rule and traffic signs.

Must have at least 5 years working in a marshalling yard environment. Must have knowledge of couplers and air hoses used on rolling stock equipment,  Must have the ability to communicate safely and clearly via radio to train personnel and other yardmen. Must have the ability to efficiently carry out instructions from yard leading hand. Must have a good command of the English language

Wagon / Track Maintenance

Must be in possession of a recognized mechanical diploma. Must have a minimum of 10 years experience in rolling stock inspection. Must be able to repair minor faults at inspection points. Must be responsible for the dispatch of mechanically safe trains. Must be able to complete the necessary documentation w.r.t. Company equipment. Must be able to certify rolling stock as per SAR specs. Must have a good command of the English language.
Wagon / Track Maintenance
Candidate should hold Diploma certificate. Candidate should have min 3 yrs of experience. Candidate must have knowledge to Carry out daily work orders. Repair all faults and defects. Reviews maintenance instructions of the wagon to ascertain test specifications, procedures, objectives, test equipment, nature of technical problem, and possible solutions, such as part redesign, substitution of material or parts, or rearrangement of parts or subassemblies.
Wagon / Track Maintenance
Candidate should hold Diploma certificate. Candidate should have min 3yrs of experience. Candidate must have knowledge to Examine PLC, ECP break system, panel board. Diagnoses cause of electrical or mechanical malfunction or failure of operational wagon and perform preventative and corrective maintenance. Carry out daily work orders.
Emd Locomotive Maintenance
Candidate should hold Diploma certificate. Candidate should have min 3 yrs of experience. Candidate must have knowledge to Carry out daily work orders. Repair all faults and defects. Reviews maintenance instructions of the wagon to ascertain test specifications, procedures, objectives, test equipment, nature of technical problem, and possible solutions, such as part redesign, substitution of material or parts, or rearrangement of parts or subassemblies.
Emd Locomotive Maintenance
Candidate should hold Diploma certificate. Candidate should have min 3yrs of experience. Candidate must have knowledge to Examine PLC, ECP break system, panel board. Diagnoses cause of electrical or mechanical malfunction or failure of operational wagon and perform preventative and corrective maintenance. Carry out daily work orders.


Must have at least 15 years experience in track maintenance, repair environment. Must have the ability to supervise a team of track workers. Must have a sound knowledge of termite welding, distressing, and use and operation of track vehicles. Must be able to identify risk conditions and rectify unsafe conditions. A good command of the English language.




Must be in possession of a recognized BSC Engineering (Civil) degree. Must have at least 15 years experience in a rail (civil) environment. Must be able to manage the track operation under his jurisdiction. Must display proven leadership skills. Ability to plan and execute long term strategic maintenance activities. A strong command of the English language
Candidate should hold bachelor degree. Candidate should have minimum 10 years of experience in the relevant field.
Candidate should hold bachelor degree. Candidate should have minimum 5 years of experience in the relevant field. Same experience as PWI


Must have at least 5 years experience in a track welding environment. Must be in possession of a termite welding ticket, and knowledge of stick welding. Must have a good working knowledge of track stressing. Must be able to identify risk and take the necessary action. Must be able to communicate in English. (with train controller)
Management And Operation
Candidate should hold degree certificate. Candidate should have min 6 yrs of experience. Candidate also known as locomotive operators are responsible for the operation of trains that carry mineral. Follow the operation rules & regulations. Adhere to all train operation rules. Knowledge of all train traffic regulations. Ensure operation of locomotive and wagons in a safe manner. Ensure availability & auxiliary equipments and carry out small repairs.

Must have at least 5 years experience in operating track machines. Must be able to perform basic first line repairs on site, Must be prepared to be stationed at all depots as required by the Company. Must be able to identify risk and report to the correct authorities. A basic working command of the English language. Be able to operate in a harsh climatic environment

Must have at least 5 years experience in operating track machines. Must have the ability to be trained in the operation of sand machines. Must be prepared to be stationed at all depots as required by the Company.  Must be able to identify risk and report unsafe conditions. A basic working knowledge of the English language.
Management And Operation
Candidate should hold Degree certificate. Candidate should have min 5yrs of exp. Candidate must have knowledge to Prepare train operation schedule and plans & detailed forecast and actual output (including weight charts) for all disciplines. Monitor Operation progress and advise action to meet the schedule, if delayed.  Interface with operation team to ensure operation level-up progress, Schedule equipment hand over to maintenance in case of repair. Monitor budget and expenditures.
Locomotives Maintenance
Candidate should hold Degree certificate. Candidate should have min 5 yrs of experience; Candidate must have knowledge in Carry out corrective & preventive maintenance programs. Knowledge & skills on Maintenance of rolling stock. Ability to carry out minor and major repairs to locomotives engines. Examine wagon rail discharge mechanism entry wings and discharge. Inspect break pad, Door open/close, timber mounting bolts, nuts & washer. Examine load bolster angle bracket (timber retaining) welds for fatigue, load tensioned and the ratchet and pawl arrangement for evidence of degradation. Manage maintenance crew. Ability to analyze problems and implement corrective actions.
Wagons Maintenance
Candidate should hold Degree certificate. Candidate should have min 5 yrs of experience; Candidate must have knowledge in Carry out corrective & preventive maintenance programs. Knowledge & skills on Maintenance of rolling stock. Ability to carry out minor and major repairs wagon pneumatic and hydraulic system. Examine wagon rail discharge mechanism entry wings and discharge. Inspect break pad, Door open/close, timber mounting bolts, nuts & washer. Examine load bolster angle bracket (timber retaining) welds for fatigue, load tensioned and the ratchet and pawl arrangement for evidence of degradation. Manage maintenance crew. Ability to analyze problems and implement corrective actions.
Civil & Track
Candidate should hold Degree certificate. Candidate should have min 5yrs of experience. Candidate must have knowledge to Working on the track keeping oversee the conditions of bridges, railroad and other facilities to make sure that those things are ready to use at anytime. Plan and implement a program of periodic inspections to provide optimum coverage of the railroad track network in the assigned territory.  Coordinate operation of a track geometry test car and uses the information produced to detect, locate and evaluate deviations in cross-level, gage and profile of track.  Perform on-ground inspections where defects are indicated to determine the seriousness of the problems and the best means of correction. Maintains contact with local and mid-level officials of railroads and rail labor organizations on a regular basis while performing inspection and investigative duties, and accession with officials at corporate and national levels.

Posted By Blogger to Smart Life World at 7/01/2012 04:42:00 AM

Bst Rgds,
Skype ID : shakmac4u

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