Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah  As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu The Prophet {Peace be upon him}said:- " Allah the Exalted revealed to Musa ibn Imran (Moses) in the Torah that the source of all mistakes are three :- # 1/ Arrogance, # 2/ Envy and # 3/Greed. Another six diseases were born out of these three, and thus they became nine - # 4 / -satiety, #5/ excessive sleep, #6/excessive rest, #7/love of wealth, #8/love of praise, and #9/love of leadership." Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani Author of: Preparing for the Day of Judgement
...My " Salaams " to You All... Allah says, "I am with My servant when he remembers Me and his lips move in My service." - Hadith The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah
Y a s m i n. "All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever} the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour" {'Quran'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 } Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone! {Al-Hasan Al-Basree}
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