Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah.  As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
"There is no God worthy of worship except Allah" is something that Allah is buying. Its price is Paradise! and the Messenger is its Agent! and~~~~~ ? you will be pleased to part with a small part of this worldy life to obtain it. The part you loose is a small part of something that as a whole is not worth A mosquito's wing! [Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah] 'And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way. Al- Quran 2:186
My Salaams To You All. Y a s m i n. 
"Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah" "I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground, The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind, Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes!" Inshallah 'Aameen'
 ' Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone! {Al-Hasan Al-Basree}
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