Abu Dardah [radi Allahu anhu] reported:- The Holy Prophet {sallal laahu alaihi wasallam} said:- A person who recites ... "La Ilaha Illallah" [There is none worthy of worship except Allah .] One Hundred{100 } times a day, will on the Day of Resurrection, be raised with his face shining like the full moon. and none can surpass him in excellence on that day except~? one who recites this Kalimah more than he. { Al-Tabarani } My ' Salaams ' To You All.
Y a s m i n.
"Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah" "All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever} the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour" {'Quran'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 } 'Wasting time is Worse than Death! Because Death Separates you from this World Whereas wasting Time Separates you from Allah'. Ibn Qayimm Al-Jawziyyah. I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground! The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind, Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes! 'Insha Allah'! ' Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone. {Al-Hasan Al-Basree}
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