Shab-e-Bara'at (Night of Forgiveness)This night has 4 names:
1. Lailatul Mubarak (or) Shab-e-Mubarak; 2. Lailat-ur-Rehmat (or) Shab-e-Rehmat; 3. Lailatul Barat (or) Shab-e-Barat; 4. Lailat-us-Sak (or) Shab-e-Parwana-e-Najaat.
This night has been named as Shab-e-Mubarak and Shab-e-Rahmat because this night is filled with numerous blessings. The word 'Bara'at' means to be acquitted, to be forgiven and to gain freedom. On this night, Allah frees his believers from Jahannum and grants them entry in to Jannah, therefore this night is also known as Lailat-us-Sak.
This is that great night which Allah has filled with virtues and blessings. It has many specialities and has been blessed with honour. Five important specialities of this night are:
· Taqseem-e-umur (Passing of Orders); · Nazool-e-Rehmat (Revelation of Blessings); · Faizaan-e-Bakhshish (Granting of Forgiveness); · Qabool-e-Shifaat (Acceptance of Intercession); · Fazeelet-e-Ibaadat (Greatness of Worship).
We can estimate the honour and virtue of these specialities from the detailed explanations below.
Taqseem Amur
On this night, everything that will happen the following year including victory and defeat, happiness and sadness, death and birth is distributed amongst the specified Angels. Allah says in the Quran:
حٰمٓ ﴿ۚۛ۱﴾ وَ الْکِتٰبِ الْمُبِیۡنِ ۙ﴿ۛ۲﴾ اِنَّا اَنۡزَلْنٰہُ فِیۡ لَیۡلَۃٍ مُّبٰرَکَۃٍ اِنَّا كُنَّا مُنۡذِرِیۡنَ ﴿۳﴾ فِیۡہَا یُفْرَقُ كُلُّ اَمْرٍ حَکِیۡمٍ ۙ﴿۴﴾ اَمْرًا مِّنْ عِنۡدِنَا ؕ اِنَّا كُنَّا مُرْسِلِیۡنَ ۚ﴿۵﴾
"By the manifest book that makes things clear. We sent it (Quran) down on a blessed night. Verily! We are ever warning of Our fear. During this night, all decreed matters are shared out by us." (Surah Duhaan, Ayat 5)
Hadhrat Ibn Abbas عنه رضي١لله narrates that the meaning of 'the sharing of matters' is that whatever happens throughout the year is written (wealth, death, life, rain, even who is going to Hajj in that year). (addur ul manthur fi tafseeri bilmaathuri, pg 25, volume 6, Beirut)
Hadhrat Ikrama عنه رضي١لله and a group of commentators of the Quran say, that in this Ayat, 'Laila Mubaraka' or 'blessed night' is indicating that the 15th of Sha'baan is Shab-e-Barat. (Alfutoohaat ilaahiya, pg 99) All these things mentioned take place on this night just like the Hadiths mention.
There is a narration from Umm-ul-Mumineen Hadhrat Aisha عنھا رضي١لله that Muhammad وسلم عليه صلى١لله asked her: 'Do you know what happens on the 15th of Sha'baan?' (Meaning the importance, blessings?). She replied: 'Oh Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله! Tell me.' The Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله replied:
1. On that night every man whose child is to be born that year is written down; 2. Every person who is going to die that year is written down; 3. And all the deeds of every person (good and bad) are presented; 4. And their wealth is written. (Mishkaat-ul-Masabih, pg115)
Hadhrat Abu Huraira عنه رضي١لله narrates that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله has said: 'From one Sha'baan to the next, a person who is alive and is going to die in that time is written down. To the point that, a man marries and has children, but his name is written on the list of the people who will die that year.' (Addur-ul-manthur, pg 26, volume 6)
Hadhrat Aisha Siddiqa عنھا رضي١لله has narrated that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله used to fast throughout the month of Sha'baan and he used to join these Fasts with the month of Ramadhan. She asked: 'Oh Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله! Do you like fasting in the month of Sha'baan and with it the following month?' He وسلم عليه صلى١لله replied: 'Yes, Oh Aisha! Whoever is going to die throughout the year is written down in the month of Sha'baan. So I would like the time of my death to be decreed when I am worshipping Allah.' In another narration it is said that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله replied: 'Oh Aisha! In this month, Malik-ul-Mowt (Angel of Death) writes down who is going to die and I would like that my name is written down whilst I am fasting.' (Addur-ul-manthur, pg. 26 bahawala khatib wa ibn najjar)
Hadhrat Aisha Siddiqa عنھا رضي١لله heard the Mesenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله saying that on four nights Allah opens the doors of blessings and goodness. From these nights, one is the 15th night of Sha'baan. On this night, the time of death, amount of money he is going to earn, and the names of the people who are going to do Hajj are written down. (Addur-ul-Manthur, page 26, volume 6)
Hadhrat Atta bin Yassar عنه رضي١لله has informed us that when the 15th night of Shabban arrives, the Angel of Death is given a list of names of those people who will die in the following year. People make their beds, build homes and they marry yet their name is amongst those who are to die. (Addur-ul-manthur, pg 26 bahawala ibn abi dunya)
Hadhrat Ikrama عنه رضي١لله explains that the meaning of 'sharing of matters' (from the Ayat) is that on the 15th of Shabaan, everything that will happen during the year, is decided. The names of the people who will be born and the names of the people who will perform Hajj are written. Once the list is complete, no name is added and no name is deducted. (Addur-ul-Manthur, page 26, volume 6)
From these narrations we learn that the night full of light which in the Furqan Hakeem has been mentioned as Lailat-ul-Mubarakah or Shab-e-Mubarak is the night in which we sinners are forgiven by Allah and this is the night in which we sinners are granted relief from our sins. Therefore, we should spend this night in worship of Allah.
Revelation of Blessings and the Bounty of Rewards
On this night, after the day has ended Allah sends down his blessings and forgiveness onto the people of the world and blesses numerous people.
Hadhrat Ali عنه رضي١لله has narrated that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله said when the 15th night of Sha'baan arrives then do Ibaadah (worship), and fast during the day, indeed Allah on this night, from when the day has gone down, showers the world with His blessings.
'Is there anyone in search of forgiveness that I should forgive them? Is there anyone in search of Rizq that I provide them with this? Is there anyone captured in misfortune that I guide him to safety? Is there anyone as such? (Meaning, today blessings are open to everyone. Is there anyone in search of my blessings? That I bless him with the best and most virtuous).' (Mishqaat, page 115)
This call of blessings takes place all night until Fajr time.
In another narration of this Hadith the following has also been said: 'Is there anyone who wants anything that I should give them?' (Addur-ul-Manthur, page 26, volume 6)
Hadhrat Uthman bin Abil-Aas narrates, the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله has also said: 'Whatever someone asks from Allah he will receive, except the one who is a polytheist or a woman who commits adultery (as their prayers will not be accepted).' (Addur-ul-Manthur, page 27, volume 6)
In the narrations the meaning of Fajr becoming visible is Sehri finishing. It is the height of good fortune for a Muslim that his Creator be pleased with him and asks him, 'whatever you ask for you will receive.'
Hadhrat Aisha Siddiqa عنھا رضي١لله has said that on one night, when it was her turn for the Holy Prophet to stay with her, she could not find the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله. When she looked he was in Baqi (graveyard). He وسلم عليه صلى١لله said: 'Did you think that Allah and His Messenger would carry out injustice with you?' I answered: 'Oh Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله this is not what I thought. I thought that you had gone to another wife.' The Prophet وسلم عليه صلى١لله replied: 'Indeed, on the 15th night of Sha'baan Allah's blessings descend to the sky of the World. He forgives more people than the number of hairs of the goats of the tribe of Kalb.' (Sunnan-e-Ibn Majaa, page one hundred)
The meaning of this is: 'Oh Aisha! Even though it is your turn today, because tonight is a night of blessings, and splendour that is why I decided to intercede for my Ummah.'
Hadhrat Aisha Siddiqa عنھا رضي١لله narrates that one night the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله started praying Nafil prayer. He lengthened his prostration so much that I started to worry that his blessed soul had left his body. When I saw this state I went towards him and moved his big toe and it started to move, so I went back. When he وسلم عليه صلى١لله came out of prostration and had completed his prayer he said: 'Oh Aisha! Did you think that the beloved Messenger of Allah would carry out injustice with you?' She replied: 'Oh Messenger of Allah! وسلم عليه صلى١لله By Allah! I didn't think so. However, you staying in prostration for so long made me think that you had left this world.'
The Prophet وسلم عليه صلى١لله said: 'Do you know what night this is?' She replied: 'Allah and His Messenger know best.' He وسلم عليه صلى١لله replied, 'this night is the 15th of Sha'baan, indeed on this night Allah is attentive with his grace and blessings, so He forgives the ones who ask for forgiveness. Those who request for mercy, Allah grants them with mercy and kindness and the ones who hold grudges and have enmity Allah does not shower his blessings upon them.' (Addur-ul-manthur, pg 27, volume 6)
According to a narration from Baihaqi shareef when Hadhrat Aisha عنھا رضي١للہ mentioned Baqi she was referring to her going and returning, and then in the presence of the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله whilst she was talking to him he addressed her and said: 'Jibrael عليه١لصلوةو١لسلآم came to me and said that this is the 15th night of Sha'baan. On this night Allah grants sinners, equalling the number of hairs on the goats of Banu Kalb, freedom from hell. But, He does not allow His blessings to glance towards a polytheist; one who keeps enmity; or an innovator ( one who stops following the Ahl-e-Sunnah); whoever breaks ties with his relatives; or whoever drags their clothes whilst they are walking (a sign of arrogance); whoever disrespects his parents or an alcoholic.' (Addur-ul-Manthur, page 27, volume 6)
In the Arab peninsula, the tribe of Kalb had the most goats. It is obvious, that wherever there is the largest number of goats, their number of hairs will also be the largest. In the Hadiths, the mentioning of the number of hairs on the goats is not to denote a specific number but instead to show abundance. The meaning of this is that on this night Allah forgives countless people and He frees them from the fire of Jahannum and makes them eligible for Jannah.
There is a narration from Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq; Hadhrat Abu Musa Ashari; Hadhrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas and Hadhrat Ma'az bin Jabal عنھم رضي١للہ that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله said:'Indeed, on the 15th night of Sha'baan Allah's blessings descend close to his people; He forgives all of His creation.'
In a narration from Baihiqi it is mentioned that whoever has enmity in his heart or has a passion for revenge, Allah does not forgive such a person. There is a narration from Imam Ahmad that two people are not forgiven, someone who does bidat (leaves the group of Ahl-e-Sunnah) and someone who has killed another person. (sunan ibn maja, pg ten1; musnad imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, pg 176) Hadhrat Abu Thalba عنه رضي١لله has narrated that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله has said that on the 15th night of Sha'baan, Allah forgives and showers his blessings upon those who: believe, and He grants time to the unbelievers and He leaves the people who bear grudges, so that they may forgive their grudges. (Addur-ul-manthur, page 27, volume 6 ba hawala Baihaqi)
Hadhrat Abu Huraira عنه رضي١لله reports that Hadhrat Muhammad وسلم عليه صلى١لله said that: Jibrael و١لسلآم عليه١لصلوة came to him on the 15th night of Sha'baan and said: 'Raise your head towards the sky.' The prophet وسلم عليه صلى١لله asked, 'which night is this?'
Jibrael replied: 'it is that night in which Allah opens thirty doors of forgiveness to his creation and he forgives all His creation except for the non-believers and the polytheist. He does not forgive magicians, fortune-tellers, alcoholics, gamblers, and adulterers because they cannot be forgiven until they repent to Allah.
When one-quarter of the night had passed Jibrael came down again and said 'Lift your head up.' The messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله raised his blessed head and saw that all the doors of Paradise were open.
1. At the first door an Angel was saying 'glad tidings to those who bow in ruku on this night.' 2. On the second door another Angel was saying 'glad tidings to those who do sajdah (prostration) on this night.' 3. On the third door an angel was says 'whoever makes prayer on this night may they receive goodness from it'. 4. On the fourth door an angel was saying 'whoever does dhikr (remembrance of Allah) may they receive blessings.' 5. On the fifth door an angel was saying 'whoever cries due to fearing Allah may he be blessed'. 6. On the sixth door an angel was saying 'is there anybody who wants to ask for something? He will receive what he asks for.' 7. On the seventh door an angel was saying 'is there anybody who wants to be forgiven, for he will be forgiven.'
The Prophet وسلم عليه صلى١لله asked: 'Oh Jibrael! How long do these doors stay open? Jibrael والسلآم الصلوة عليه replied: 'from the beginning of the night until morning twilight is visible.' Then he said: 'O praised one! On this night the number of hairs on the goats from the Tribe of Kalb that is how many people Allah frees from Jahannum.' (Ghaniyat-ul-Talibeen, pg 169, volume 1)
Hadhrat Nofal Bikali says that Hadhrat Ali عنه رضي١لله on the 15th night of Sha'baan would often come outside. One day he came out and looked up at the sky and said: 'once on this very night,' Prophet Dawud looked up at the sky and said: 'this is the time in which whoever makes dua to Allah, He will fulfil them. Whoever makes dua for forgiveness providing that he is not an ash'shar (meaning someone who takes income tax, house tax etc) a magician, a conjuror, a fortune-teller, an executioner, someone who prophesises, a singer, and a person who plays musical instruments will be forgiven.
After this Hadhrat Ali عنه رضي١لله prayed: 'Oh Allah! Lord of Dawud! On this night accept the prayers of those who ask you for forgiveness, or want to be forgiven, because on this night your blessings and virtues are common even though you send your blessings on other nights. (Ma thubit bi sunat ma tarajam, pg 194 bahawala ibn maja)
Hadhrat Ka'ab عنه رضي١لله narrates that on the 15th night of Sha'baan Allah sends Jibrael to Paradise and tells him to decorate the whole of Paradise because on this night I will forgive as many people as the number of stars in the sky, the days and nights, the leaves on the trees, the weight of the mountains, and the amount of grains in the sand. ( pg. 196 bahawala jami kabir)
Those who are deprived from Allah's Blessings
In this world there are people who are disrespectful and commit sins and who are deprived from the splendours. According to Hadiths, they are as mentioned below:
1. Polytheist (one who denies the oneness of Allah), who associates partners with Allah, regarding such a person Allah has said: 'Allah will not forgive any partners being associated with Him (polytheism) and He forgives anything lesser than this, which He wishes.' (Quran) A non-believer and a murtad also come under the category of a Mushrik. 2. One who disrespects his mother. 3. One who disrespects his father. After fulfilling the commands and rights of Allah and His Beloved Messenger وسلم عليه صلى١لله the parents have the most rights, so whoever disrespects them, his result will be the same. In the Hadiths regarding the person who disrespects his parents, it has been said that sucha person is disgraceful, disgraceful, and disgraceful. (For more explanation regarding this read the book called 'Azmat-e- waleedain'). 4. A conjuror – someone who attempts to calculate the future, someone who claims to know the future. 5. A fortune-teller – who claims to know the unseen, Hadhrat ibn Abbas عنه رضي١لله has narrated that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه صلى١لله has said that a conjuror is a fortune-teller, and a fortune-teller is a magician, and a magician is a kafir (non-believer).
Mohammed Shakir.
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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
Quran [2:216] But you may dislike something which is good for you, and you may like something which is bad for you. GOD knows while you do not know.

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